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has references to both the users table and the ID column) in sync. In the next section
we examine a better (although not yet optimal) approach, where the database infor-
mation (table and column names) is contained just in the dataset file.
Transforming data using ReplacementDataSet
DbUnit provides a simple yet powerful IDataSet implementation called Replacement-
DataSet . In the following sections, we explore how it can be used to solve some com-
mon problems.
Using ReplacementDataSet to handle the different IDs issue
Let's try a different approach for the “same dataset, different ID s” issue. Instead of
ignoring the ID column, couldn't we dynamically change a dataset value before the
test case uses it?
Changing the data inside a dataset would be quite complicated. Fortunately,
though, DbUnit provides the ReplacementDataSet class, which decorates an existing
dataset to dynamically replace tokens, according to your needs.
Back to our problem: first we need to change the dataset XML file, by replacing
the hardcoded ID s by a token (we used [ID] in this case, but it could anything, as
long as that string doesn't occur somewhere else in the dataset). Listing 17.10
shows the new XML .
Listing 17.10
user-token.xml, a dataset that uses a token for IDs
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<users id="[ID]" username="ElDuderino"
first_name="Jeffrey" last_name="Lebowsky" />
Next, we change the test case class, with the changed (and new) methods shown in
listing 17.11.
Listing 17.11
Changes on UserDaoJdbcImplTest to handle dynamic IDs
public class AbstractDbUnitTestCase {
protected IDataSet getReplacedDataSet(IDataSet originalDataSet, int id)
throws Exception {
ReplacementDataSet replacementDataSet =
new ReplacementDataSet(originalDataSet);
replacementDataSet.addReplacementObject("[ID]", id);
return replacementDataSet;
protected IDataSet getReplacedDataSet(String name, int id)
throws Exception{
IDataSet originalDataSet = getDataSet(name);
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