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Listing 17.4 XmlDataSet representation of users table
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE dataset SYSTEM "dataset.dtd">
<table name="users">
The XmlDataSet format is self-described, but it has two problems. First, it's verbose. As
you can see in the previous example, a simple row in a table required 16 lines of XML
code. The advantage of this format is that it follows a well-defined DTD (available
inside DbUnit's JAR ), which could avoid problems caused by bad XML syntax. But that
brings up the second issue: DbUnit doesn't validate the DTD (that DOCTYPE line could
be removed or even changed to any garbage, and the result would be the same).
Although the lack of XML validation is a DbUnit bug, the verboseness of the for-
mat is a design option. A much simpler option is to use FlatXmlDataSet , where each
line describes a row in the database. Listing 17.5 shows the same dataset using the flat
XML format.
Listing 17.5 FlatXmlDataSet representation of users table (user.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<users id="1" username="ElDuderino"
first_name="Jeffrey" last_name="Lebowsky" />
The FlatXmlDataSet format is much clearer and easier to maintain, 4 so we use it in
our examples. Listing 17.6 shows our first test case.
Listing 17.6
Initial test case for UserDaoJdbcImpl (UserDaoJdbcImplTest)
public class UserDaoJdbcImplTest {
private static UserDaoJdbcImpl dao = new UserDaoJdbcImpl();
private static Connection connection;
private static HsqldbConnection dbunitConnection;
This format has its issues as well, which we will cover later in the chapter.
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