Java Reference
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The listing starts by importing the necessary classes B . Remember that every external
package you use needs to be declared in the MANIFEST . MF file of the bundle. Every
JU nit4 OSG i test case needs to extend from the OSGiTestCase class C . The JU nit4 OSG i
framework is a JU nit 3.x extension, so you need to follow the JU nit 3.x rules for writing
test cases.
We start our first test method at D and get a ServiceReference of the service
we wrote and deployed E . We get the ServiceReference from the context object
that JU nit4 OSG i provides us. The framework gives us the access to the Bundle-
Context to check the status of the given service, something that we do in F . By
asserting the ServiceReference isn't null , we make sure that the service is installed
and started correctly.
The following test methods test the service methods; by having the service refer-
ence we can get hold of the service itself (at G ) and invoke different methods (at H )
to see that it behaves the expected way I . We also test the exceptional case to provide
a random string (at J ), and we catch the NumberFormatException that we expect to
be raised .
It's a best practice to separate all your junit-osgi tests in a separate bundle, and
that's what we're going to do. Go to the calculator-test folder of the source code of the
book, and use Maven or Ant to package the bundle that contains the test from the pre-
vious listing. After you've done this, copy the resultant JAR file and paste it in the
FELIX_HOME /bundle folder so that it's easy to install. The next step is to install and
start the service in the bundle the way we described at the beginning of the chapter.
Our final step is to call the test inside the container
-> junit [BundleId]
replacing the BundleId with the number assigned to your module. If you're using the
source code for the topic and there are no errors, the result should be the same as this:
Executing [Client activator tests]
Time: 0
OK (4 tests)
As we already mentioned, the junit command is currently available only for the
Apache Felix implementation of OSG i. So how can we run our tests if we use any of
the other implementations of OSG i? In that case we have to use the GUI runner that
comes with the JU nit4 OSG i project.
To use the GUI runner, you need to install and start the org.apache.felix.ipojo.
junit4osgi.swing-gui.jar bundle. After the bundle is started, you'll see a Java pop-up
that lets you select the bundles that contain JU nit tests. You can select as many as you
want, and after clicking the Execute button you should see the result: a green bar for
passing tests and a red bar for failing tests (see figure 16.2).
This example of executing unit tests through the GUI runner concludes our look
at JU nit4 OSG i and this chapter on OSG i.
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