Java Reference
In-Depth Information
RichFaces button E . At F we extract the value of the status parameter of the managed
bean and assert its value G . On the client side, we also get the value of the span element
on the page H and assert its content I .
The JSFU nit project provides tight integration with the RichFaces project; if you
find this treatment brief, you can use the RichFacesClient JSFU nit class. RichFaces-
Client provides methods for testing drag-and-drop behavior, sliders, calendars, and
other JSF widgets.
Using HtmlUnit with JSFUnit
In this section, we show how JSFU nit and HtmlUnit can work together.
Chapter 12 shows how to get to an HtmlUnit HtmlPage to start testing a page,
for example:
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
HtmlPage searchPage = (HtmlPage)
Listing 15.13 shows how to use HtmlUnit in a JSFU nit test:
Listing 15.13
Using HtmlUnit in a JSFUnit test
public class TestListAvailableAlbumsWithHTMLUnit
extends ServletTestCase {
public void testIntialPage() throws IOException {
JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/");
JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession();
HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage)client.getContentPage();
HtmlTable table = (HtmlTable)
assertNotNull("table should not be null",table);
assertEquals( 6, table.getRowCount() );
HtmlAnchor link = table.getRow(1).getCell(0)
.getFirstByXPath( "a" );
assertNotNull("link should not be null", link);
HtmlPage newPage =;
assertEquals(newPage.getTitleText(), "Album details");
We start our test case again by extending the Cactus ServletTestCase class B . In our
test C , we create a new JSFSession object with the request URL that we want to
invoke. From the jsfSession object, we get a JSFClientSession D . From the client
object, we get an HtmlTable using an XP ath expression reflecting the DOM tree struc-
ture of our document E . We assert that the table isn't null and that the number of
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