Java Reference
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log="${logs.dir}/cargo.log" home="${jboss.home}">
<property name="cargo.servlet.port" value="8080"/>
<property name="cargo.logging" value="low"/>
<deployable type="ear" file="${target.dir}/ch14-
<formatter type="plain"/>
<batchtest todir="${reports.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}/cactus/">
<include name="**/Test*.java"/>
As you can see, the cactus task is used in connection with the cargo tasks (this is why
we introduced Cargo a while ago). With the one declaration in the listing, we've
defined all the necessary information to start and execute tests and stop the container.
The warfile/earfile parameter B is used to specify the name of an archive file
that we're going to deploy. This has to be the name of our cactified WAR / EAR file that
holds our test cases as well as the classes that we want to test (it's the result of the cor-
responding cactify task). It's also obligatory to add a containerset nested element
C . In this nested element we specify a number of cargo tasks D , which will define the
containers in which to execute our tests. When we say that we specify cargo tasks, we
mean it—these are pure cargo tasks, and they can take any parameter that a normal
cargo task can take: proxy, timeout, server port, and so on.
In the given cargo tasks we have to specify the ID of the containers, the configura-
tion of the containers, and the deployable (the cactified archive that contains our test
cases). C argo tasks can work with installed local or remote instances of a container;
you need only specify the home directory of that container. But there's more; these
tasks also let you specify the so-called ZipURLInstaller . In this installer you specify a
URL to a given container archive, and Cargo will download the given container from
there, extract the container from the archive, start the container, and deploy the given
deployable. Then Cactus will execute the tests inside the container, and Cargo will
stop the container. That's a fully automated cycle, and the Cactus project comes with
several sample applications that use this automation.
Our application is done; not only this, but it's also well tested using Cactus. You
already saw how to execute your tests with Ant, so it's time to show one final way to
execute the given tests, this time using another build tool: Maven.
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