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Presenting the Administration application
The goal of this sample Administration application is to let administrators perform
database queries on a relational database. Suppose the application it administers
already exists. Administrators can perform queries such as listing all the transactions
that took place during a given time interval, listing the transactions that were out of
service level agreement ( SLA ), and so forth. We set up a typical web application archi-
tecture (see figure 14.2) to demonstrate how to unit test each type of component (fil-
ter, servlet, JSP , and EJB ).
The application first receives from the user an HTTP request containing the SQL
query to execute. The request is caught by a security filter that checks whether the
SQL query is a SELECT query (to prevent modifying the database). If not, the user
is redirected to an error page. If the query is a SELECT , the AdminServlet servlet is
called. The servlet performs the requested database query and forwards the results to
a JSP page, which displays the results. The page uses JSP tags to iterate over the
returned results and to display them in HTML tables. JSP tags are used for all the
presentation logic code. The JSP s contain only layout/style tags (no Java code in
scriptlets). We start by unit testing the AdminServlet servlet. Then, in the following
subsections, we test the other components of the Administration application.
Writing servlet tests with Cactus
In this section, we focus on using Cactus to unit test the AdminServlet servlet (see fig-
ure 14.2) from the Administration application.
Let's test AdminServlet by writing the tests before we write the servlet code. This
strategy is called test-driven development, or test first, and it's efficient for designing
extensible and flexible code and making sure the unit test suite is as complete as pos-
sible. (See chapter 4 for an introduction to TDD .)
Figure 14.2 The sample Administration application. We use it as a base sample in this
chapter to see how to unit test servlets, filters, JSPs, taglibs, and database applications.
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