Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Server-side Java
testing with Cactus
Good design at good times.
Make it run, make it run right.
—Kent Beck,
Test Driven Development:
By Example
This chapter covers
Drawbacks of mock objects
Testing inside the container
with Cactus
How Cactus works
Integrating Cactus with other
projects, including Ant and Maven
In the second part of the topic we explained what mock objects are and how to
benefit from using them. We also described different techniques for unit testing
your server-side code, and we even compared these techniques against each
other. The one thing that you should be aware of now is that there is no absolute
truth—the best techniques to use depend on the situation you're currently in.
For example, in most cases you might find server-side testing with mocks and
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