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<scriptdef name="JSLintant" src="${JSLint.src}/JSLintant.js"
<attribute name="options" />
<attribute name="JSLintpath" />
<element name="fileset" type="fileset" />
<target name="run-js-lint">
<JSLintant options="{eqeqeq : true, white: true, plusplus : false,
bitwise : true, evil: true, passfail: false}"
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" />
We start our Ant script by defining properties for the locations of directories and files
b relative to where we run the Ant build. Next, we define a rhinounit Ant script C
and its arguments by loading its source from rhinoUnitAnt.js. We call the script D with
a fileset pointing to our JavaScript unit test source, where we include all files with the
js extension. In the same way that we defined a script for rhinounit and ran our tests,
we define a script for JSL int E to help us detect scripting issues, and we finish by run-
ning this JSL int script F on our source directory. For more on JSL int, please see sec-
tion 13.6, “Checking best practices with JSL int.”
RhinoUnit tip
When you invoke the rhinounit Ant script, make sure you point the rhino-
UnitUtilPath argument to the location of the rhinoUnitUtil.js file, for example:
This takes care of JavaScript unit testing in the build file; please consult the Rhino-
Unit 14 website for additional documentation. Next, we look at the alternative to
RhinoUnit and browser emulation with JsUnit, a framework that drives a web browser
á la Selenium.
JavaScript testing with JsUnit
JsUnit 15 is a JavaScript unit-testing framework written in JavaScript and in Java. We use
it from Ant to drive a web browser in order to validate the same JavaScript we just
tested in the previous section. JsUnit is similar to Selenium in that it controls a web
browser and the tests run in that browser's JavaScript engine.
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