Java Reference
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Generating Selenium tests
The Selenium IDE is a great way to get up and running fast. Before you record a test,
edit the package name and class name in the IDE Source pane to match the directory
and Java filename you desire. Note that the generated code is JU nit 3 code, and as
such it subclasses the Selenium class SeleneseTestCase .
A live example
The same user interaction as in our first HtmlUnit test generated the following exam-
ple. Go to Google, enter a query, and click to go to the expected site. Listing 12.13
shows our first Selenium example.
Listing 12.13
Our first Selenium example
public class FirstTestJUnit3 extends SeleneseTestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
setUp("", " *iexplore");
public void testSearch() throws Exception {"/");
assertEquals("Google", selenium.getTitle());
selenium.type("q", "Manning Publishing Co.");"btnG");
assertEquals("Manning Publishing Co. - Google Search",
selenium.getTitle());"link=Manning Publications Co.");
assertEquals("Manning Publications Co.", selenium.getTitle());
First, the setUp method b calls the superclass's setUp method with the base URL for
the tests and the browser launcher to use, in this case, Internet Explorer (see sec-
tion 12.8 1, “Testing for a specific web browser” for other settings). This initializes
the selenium instance variable to a DefaultSelenium instance.
In the test method, we start by opening the home page C . Next, we set the value of
the input field D , as if a user had typed it in, and we click the Search button E . The
click argument is a Selenium locator, which here is the button name (more on the
locator concept later). We wait for the new page to load and assert the opened page's
title. Then, we click a link F using a Selenium link locator. Again, we wait for the new
page to load and assert the opened page's title.
Selenium tests subclass SeleneseTestCase , which in turn subclasses JU nit's Test-
Case class. You'll note that methods aren't annotated; Selenium-generated tests are
JU nit 3 tests.
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