Java Reference
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assertTextPresent . HtmlUnit itself uses WebAssert notNull extensively to guard
against null parameters. Make sure to check the WebAssert class before you write
code that may duplicate its functionality.
If a method you need is absent, you should consider creating your own assert class
for additional HTML assertions. You should also consider creating an application-
specific assertion class to reuse across your unit tests. Remember, code duplication is
the enemy.
Testing for a specific web browser
HtmlUnit, as of version 2.7, supports the browsers shown in table 12.1.
Table 12.1
HtmlUnit-supported browsers
Web browser and version
HtmlUnit BrowserVersion constant
Firefox 2 (deprecated)
Firefox 3
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 8
By default, WebClient emulates Internet Explorer 7. In order to specify which browser
to emulate, you provide the WebClient constructor with a BrowserVersion . For exam-
ple, for Firefox 3 use
WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3);
Testing more than one web browser
You'll probably want to test your application with the most common version of
Internet Explorer and Firefox. For our purposes, we define our test matrix to be all
HtmlUnit-supported web browsers.
Listing 12.2 uses the JU nit Parameterized feature to drive the same test with all
browsers in our text matrix.
Listing 12.2
Testing for all HtmlUnit-supported browsers
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class JavadocPageAllBrowserTest {
private BrowserVersion browserVersion;
public static Collection<BrowserVersion[]> getBrowserVersions() {
return Arrays.asList(new BrowserVersion[][]{
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