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To sum up we'd say:
CI tools —Free
Installation and configuration —A couple of hours work
Knowing your build is well integrated —Priceless
In this chapter we looked at two of the most popular CI tools: CruiseControl and Hud-
son. As you probably noticed, they're totally different. So why do we cover those tools?
The reason is to make you understand that continuous integration is an impor-
tant concept in the modern software development lifecycle and that it makes abso-
lutely no difference which tool you use, but it makes a great difference whether you
use CI or not.
With this chapter we close the part of the topic that deals with integrating JU nit
with the build process. You should now be ready to run your build and execute your
tests with Ant or Maven and also to set up a continuous integration build and execute
your builds and tests on a scheduled basis.
This way you have JU nit tests that protect your modules from new bugs, and you
also have a workspace where you continuously execute your build and run your tests
to see if anything got broken during the integration. You're now fully automated and
ready to move on with the next chapters.
The next part of the topic deals with testing different layers of your application.
We look at some examples of how to execute tests against the presentation layer and
also against the database and persistence layers. We show how to test your GUI compo-
nents, and you can include those tests and run them in the continuous integration
environment you just learned about. Let's move on!
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