Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 11.1
Default content of the $CC_HOME folder
Used for
Distribution of the Apache Ant project that comes bundled with the
CruiseControl server distribution. You could choose to use this distri-
bution or any later version.
Documentation of the CruiseControl project.
Various third-party libraries for the project.
The logs of the continuous builds.
The projects you build continuously. By default there's a sample proj-
ect already set up in this folder called connectfour .
Used to store a GUI to the build server.
The main configuration file of CruiseControl.
cruisecontrol script
This .bat or .sh script (depending on the architecture you're using) is
used to start CruiseControl.
Now that we've found a host for our CruiseControl installation and we've seen how
the project is structured, let's start using it by setting up a project to build.
Setting up a sample project
Setting up a project in CruiseControl is straightforward. You need to do only
three things:
Check out your project in the projects folder.
Configure CruiseControl for the project's build.
Start CruiseControl.
Let's look at these steps one by one.
Usually we keep the source in a central repository using a source control system,
and that system has responsibility for managing the version of your software. If you're
using Subversion as your revision control system, you can easily check out your project
by first navigating to the $ CC_HOME \projects folder and then executing the following
command there:
svn co theNameOfMyProject
You need to specify the URL of your source repository and also the name of the folder
in which to check out the project. Then Subversion will check out a local copy of your
project in the theNameOfMyProject folder.
The CruiseControl config file explained
Now that we have the project checked out in the projects folder, it's time to configure
CruiseControl to build it the way we want. The configuration itself is done with a file
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