Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Plug-in executions with matching ID s
Plug-in configurations
And again, each of these elements specified in the parent pom get automatically speci-
fied in the child pom .
We discuss the pom s further in the upcoming sections.
Setting up a Maven project
Now that you've seen the differences between Ant and Maven, it's time to move
on and start building our projects with Maven. But first, let's examine the installa-
tion process.
Installing Maven
Installing Maven is a three-step process:
1 Download the latest distribution from and unzip/
untar it in the directory of your choice (for example, C:\maven on Windows or
/opt/maven on UNIX).
2 Define an M2_HOME environment variable pointing to where you've installed
3 Add M2 _ HOME\bin ( M2 _ HOME/bin on UNIX ) to your PATH environment variable
so that you can type mvn from any directory.
You're now ready to use Maven. The first time you execute a plug-in, make sure
your internet connection is on, because Maven will automatically download from
the web all the third-party JARs the plug-in requires.
Let's navigate to the c:\junitbook2\ directory. This is our work directory, and here we
set up the Maven examples. Type the following on the command line:
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.manning.junitbook
-DartifactId=maven-sampling -DarchetypeArtifactid=maven-artifact-mojo
After you press Enter and wait for appropriate artifacts to download, you should see a
directory named maven-sampling being created. If you look inside that directory, you
should see the directory structure being created, as shown in figure 10.1.
What happened here? We invoked the maven-archetype-plugin from the com-
mand line and told it to create a new project from scratch with the given parameters.
As a result, this Maven plug-in created a new project with a new directory structure,
following the convention of the directory structure. Further, it created a sample class with a main method and a corresponding file that's a unit
test for our application. Now, most likely, after looking at this directory structure,
you're quite familiar with which files stay in src/main/java and which files stay in src/
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