Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 3
JUnit and the build process
This part of the topic deals with a very important aspect in the develop-
ment cycle of every project: the build process. The importance of the build
process is reconsidered more often these days, especially in large projects.
That's why we dedicate a whole part of this topic to integration between JU nit
and two of the most important build tools: Ant and Maven.
The ninth chapter gives you a quick introduction to Ant and its terminology:
tasks, targets, and builds. We discuss how to start your tests as part of your Ant
build lifecycle, and we also show how to produce some fancy reports with the
results of the JU nit execution. This chapter serves as a basis for most of the rest
of the topic, because you need a good knowledge of Ant to be able to grasp all of
the Ant integration sections in the latter chapters.
The tenth chapter guides you through the same concepts, but this time by
means of another popular tool called Maven. We show you how to include the
execution of your tests in the Maven build lifecycle and how to produce nice
HTML reports by means of some of the Maven plug-ins.
The last chapter in this part of the topic is devoted to continuous integration
( CI ) tools. This practice is highly recommended by extreme programmers and
helps you maintain a code repository and automate the build on it. This is help-
ful in building large projects that depend on several other projects that change
often (as any open source project does).
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