Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
2 Scienti
c Approach
In order to meet the demands in energy conversion (of the afore-mentioned sectors),
marginal evolutionary improvements will not suf
ce, rather revolutionary advances are
in order. Development andproduction of alternate and high-energy fuels forman integral
element, along with optimal conversion processes, for a sustainable energy future.
A carefully planned and well-executed international research and development
program with participation from academia, government, and industry laboratories is
essential with consumer interaction and participation. A
approach is needed in order to tackle the various aspects of the affordable, sus-
tainable, eco-friendly energy scenario (Roy 1998 ). This approach comprises of the
element shown in Fig. 1 . In a nut shell, new fuels for speci
Fuels to Emissions
c applications need to
be developed along with new thermodynamic cycles that will provide maximum
conversion of the stored chemical energy of the fuels into thermal and/or
mechanical energy. Basic studies targeted toward the reduced chemistry and
reaction pathways of the fuels need to be done analytically, numerically and
experimentally in order to burn the fuel most effectively in combustion or deto-
nation modes. As the combustion process occurs at faster rate, pertinent diagnostics
and measurement tools need to be developed. Current engines are designed for
maximum ef
c fuel consumption and emissions.
However, even small improvements in these make a substantial impact in overall
economy and ecology of the energy sector.
ciency, and minimum speci
Fig. 1 Fuels to emissions approach to develop engines for stationary and propulsion applications
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