Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 30 Landing - takeoff LTO CO of the latest engines (viz. GEnx, TALON II and Trent1000)
versus ICAO takeoff pressure ratio. Average landing - takeoff CO may be compared with the
standard, 118 g of CO/kN of rated takeoff thrust
Fig. 31 Characteristic SAE smoke number versus takeoff thrust of the selected engines (viz.
GEnx, TALON II, and Trent100) in order to show margin from the ICAO CAEP regulatory
standard, namely Min
83 : 6
; 50
Fig. 32 Characteristic SAE smoke number versus takeoff thrust and back-to-back comparison
between lean dome (GEnx tested in 2009) and the several Rolls Royce rich-domes, namely RR
Phase 5 and Trent 1000
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