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Fig. 2.2: Examples of two lattices for a database with (i) I = fa; b; cg, and (ii)
I =fa; b; c; dg. In the first lattice we also demonstrate the positive and the negative
borders when the database D is the same as in Fig. 2.1 and msup=4.
J 2F D g. Finally, the border of F D , denoted as Bd(F D ), is the union of these two
sets: Bd(F D ) =Bd + (F D )[Bd (F D ) 3 . For example, assuming that msup= 4 in
the database of Fig. 2.1, we have that Bd + (F D ) =fab; acg, Bd (F D ) =fbcg and
Bd(F D ) = fab; ac; bcg. These borders are presented in Fig. 2.2(i). Borders allow
for a condense representation of the itemsets' lattice, identifying the key itemsets
which separate all frequent patterns from their infrequent counterparts. More details
on the theory of borders as well as its underlying concepts can be found in the work
of Mannila & Toivonen [46].
2.2 Problem Formulation and Statement
Having presented the necessary background for association rule mining, in this sec-
tion we formally set out the problem of association rule hiding. First, in Section
2.2.1, we highlight the goals of association rule hiding algorithms, rank these goals
in terms of importance of being satisfied, as well as discuss the side-effects that are
introduced when each of them is left unsatisfied in the sanitized database. Following
that, in Section 2.2.2, we deliver the formal problem statement.
3 For notational convenience, we will use Bd + and Bd to refer to the positive and the negative
border of a set of itemsets, respectively, when the set of frequent itemsets is obvious in our context.
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