Database Reference
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Table 16.3: The intermediate form of database D X .
u 11
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Algorithm 16.2 Relaxation Procedure in V =Bd + (F 0 D ).
1: procedure S ELECT R EMOVE (Constraints C R , V , D O )
C R maxlen S argmax i fjR i jg
. C R i $V i
cr msup min C R maxlen ;i (sup(R i 2V;D O ))
for each c 2C R maxlen
if sup(R i ;D O ) = cr msup then
Remove (c)
. remove constraint
7: end if
8: end for
9: end procedure
Algorithm 16.2 applies a relaxation process that selectively removes inequalities
of type (16.3) up to a point that the resulting CSP is solvable. In this algorithm, C R
is the set of constraints imposed by the itemsets of Bd + (F 0 D ) and jR i j denotes the
size of itemset R i in C R . In a realistic situation, only a small portion of constraints
will have to be discarded. Thus, emphasis is given in [26] on constraints involving
maximal size and minimum support itemsets, appearing in database D O .
16.3.6 Continuing the Running Example
Consider database D O of Table 16.1. As part of Section 16.2.3 the original and
the revised borders for the hiding of the sensitive itemsets in S = fe; ae; bcg,
when mfreq = 0:3, were computed. To proceed, one needs to identify the mini-
mum extension of D O , namely the minimum size of D X that facilitates sensitive
knowledge hiding. Using (16.1) for the sensitive itemset with the highest support
(here either feg or fbcg), we have that Q = 4. Excluding, for brevity, the use
of a safety margin, D O needs to be extended by 4 transactions. Table 16.3 de-
picts database D X prior to the adjustment of the various u qm variables involved.
To produce the needed constraints, consider all the itemsets appearing in C, where
C =Bd + (F 0 D )[Bd (F 0 D ) =fe; f ; bc; bd; ab; acdg. Based on Figure 16.1 the CSP
depicted in Figure 16.4 is constructed, where the validity of all transactions of D X
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