Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Authentication method A way of identifying a client before authorizing access to
database resources. The most common authentication methods are based on user
names and associated passwords.
Database version considered the primary or most accurate version.
Autocommit transaction Each statement is treated as a separate transaction with
Automated tasks A task that runs without operator intervention based on a schedule
or in response to an event.
Automatic failover The process of switching control to a secondary (backup) database
server without operator intervention.
Balanced tree index Common index structure based on nodes with pointer values
directing you to the desired data.
Base object
An object used as the base for creating another object.
Batch A file containing a set of executable statements.
Binary large object (BLOB) data type
Relational data type used to store large blocks
for binary data.
Binary Operator An operator applied to two operands at the time, typically in the
format operand operator operand.
Binary relationship
A relationship defined between two entities.
Binary tree index See Balanced tree index.
Blocked transaction
A transaction that cannot continue because it cannot access
resources that it needs.
Boolean expression
An expression that evaluates as either true or false.
Anything that adversely impacts performance.
B-tree index See Balanced tree index.
Built-in functions
Predefined functions that install with SQL Server.
Bulk loading
The process of loading a large amount of data into a database as a single
Business problem
Anything that prevents a business from operating as it should.
Business rules
Rules used to define or limit database data and its use by a business.
Data storage area in memory.
Cardinality Value setting the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a
particular relationship.
Cartesian product A result returning all possible combinations of joins columns.
Centralized data environment
Data configuration based on a single database server
hosting all application data.
Centralized management
Management model where remote databases are managed
from a central location.
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