Databases Reference
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Summary Questions
1. There is always a one-to-one relationship between entities in an E-R dia-
gram and the tables in a database design. True or False?
2. Which statement best describes the process of converting a one-to-one
binary relationship to related tables?
(a) You should convert the entities into a single related table.
(b) There will typically be only one way to define the tables.
(c) There will typically be more than one way to define the tables.
3. You are converting a many-to-many unary relationship. How many rela-
tional tables will result from this conversion?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
4. There is a many-to-many relationship between the Customer and Issue
entities. Each combination of Customer and Issue occurrences is unique.
Which should you use as the associative table primary key?
(a) the Customer identifier
(b) the Issue identifier
(c) the combination of the Customer and Issue identifiers
(d) you don't have enough information to determine the best primary key
5. Customer relates to Order as a one-to-many relationship. How should
you define the relationship between the CUSTOMER and ORDER tables?
(a) Add the CUSTOMER primary key to the ORDER table as a foreign key.
(b) Add the ORDER primary key to the CUSTOMER table as a foreign key.
(c) Create a new value to use as a foreign key in both the CUSTOMER
and ORDER tables.
(d) Create an associative table.
6. An associative table is needed when converting a one-to-many or many-
to-many relationship. True or False?
7. When converting related entities, it is necessary to consider all
relationships in which an entity is included. True or False?
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