Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It's essential to purchase travel health insurance if your regular policy doesn't cover you
when you're abroad. Check for supplemental in-
surance information.
Some policies specifically exclude 'dangerous activities' such as scuba diving. If these
activities are on your agenda, avoid this sort of policy. You may prefer a policy that pays
doctors or hospitals directly rather than making you pay first and claim later. If you have to
claim later, keep all documentation. Check whether the policy covers ambulance fees or an
emergency flight home.
Bring medications you may need clearly labeled in their original containers. A signed, dated
letter from your physician that describes your medical conditions and medications, includ-
ing generic names, is also a good idea.
Recommended Vaccinations
For most foreign visitors, no immunizations are required for entry to the Virgin Islands,
though cholera and yellow fever vaccinations may be required of travelers from areas with
a history of those diseases. All travelers should be up to date on routine immunizations.
Medical Checklist
» acetaminophen (eg Tylenol) or aspirin
» anti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen)
» antihistamines (for hay fever and allergic reactions)
» antibacterial ointment (eg Neosporin) for cuts and abrasions
» steroid cream or cortisone (for poison ivy and other allergic rashes)
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