Biology Reference
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TABLE 2.5. Splice-site mutations in the gene encoding human myosin VIIA
Alteration a
Sequence b
Mutation type
-2nt aÆg
ccat ag GÆccat g gG
3¢ acceptor site
DFNB2 —nonsyndromic deafness
Liu et al. 1997
+1nt gÆa
AG gt gÆAG a tg
5¢ donor site
USH1B —Usher syndrome
Adato et al. 1997
-8nt cÆg
ctcccc ag g tccccagG
3¢ acceptor site
USH1B —Usher syndrome
Weston et al. 1996
1797 gÆa
TG gt gÆT A gtg
5¢ donor site
DFNB2 —nonsyndromic deafness
Weil et al. 1997
+1nt gÆa
AG gt gÆAG a tg
5¢ donor site
USH1B —Usher syndrome
Adato et al. 1997
-21nt gÆa
Splicing intermediate
USH1B —Usher syndrome
Janecke et al. 1999
+2nt tÆa
AG gt tÆAGg a t
5¢ donor site
USH1B —Usher syndrome
Levy et al. 1997
a Location of mutation relative to the exon (in the first column), and the precise mutation that is found. (i.e., in the first example, -2nt means two nucleotides
before exon 3 and the change is from “a” to “g”). All these mutations are found in the noncoding introns except in one case, where the alteration is in the
coding sequence (1797 gÆa).
b Sequence in the region of the mutation. Intron sequence is shown in lowercase and exon sequence in uppercase. The italicized nucleotide is the nucleotide
altered in the mutation. Underlined are the 5¢ donor splice site consensus “ag” and the 3¢ acceptor splice site consensus “gt.”
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