Agriculture Reference
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which is tough on these moisture-loving plants; a good compost mulch around
and between the plants will help reduce loss from surface evaporation. Spraying
with an organic seaweed-based foliar feed just as the heads begin to form will
give you the best yield.
Harvesting and storage
Sweetheart cabbages have a tendency to bolt shortly after forming their heads,
so harvest each plant as soon as a gentle squeeze tells you that the head is firm.
Cutting the head away with a sharp knife and leaving the lower leaves in place
will not kill the plant, and if left alone it will eventually produce new shoots suit-
able for 'greens'. However, such extravagance of space is seldom practical in a
polytunnel, and may increase the risk of club root infection. Instead, loosen the
root ball with a garden fork and pull the stalk out as cleanly as possible.
Shredded and blanched cabbage may be frozen or (unlikely as it sounds) dried,
but cabbage is undeniably best eaten fresh. In cooler months, cut cabbage heads
will keep well for a week or two wrapped in newspaper on racks in an airy, frost-
free shed or garage, but they tend to develop a strong smell so do not store them
indoors. Sweetheart cabbages are not good for pickling.
Club root , caterpillars , flea beetles , aphids , birds and slugs .
Cabbage root fly is almost never a problem in polytunnels, so there is no need
to take any steps to prevent it unless you are growing brassicas right outside the
doors, in which case the flies may then be attracted towards the tunnel plants.
Varieties: 'Nantes 2'
A huge selection of carrot varieties is available to the gardener today, ranging
from early to maincrop; with short, long and even round roots, and colours from
white to all shades of yellow, orange and red.
While maincrop carrots will do well outside during spring and summer almost
anywhere in the UK, all carrots are slow and delicate to start and prone to pest
attack while growing.
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