Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Using fleece in a polytunnel is unlike using it outdoors, where it is left in place
for long periods. In the tunnel the fleece should be removed for as much of the
time that the tunnel is above freezing as possible - which means most days,
except if the weather is overcast and still extremely cold. However, make sure
that you're around to pull the fleece back across the bed before things cool
down too much - or you won't only lose its benefit but you may also lose your
crops too. The surface of the fleece will probably freeze but the space beneath
will not, although leaves may be frost-burnt at any point where the fleece
touches them. If you are worried about a particularly tender plant in the
cloched area, wrap some additional fleece around it prior to pulling the cloche
cover into place.
Remove debris
Clean away all debris from summer plantings as you remove them, and roll up
any growing strings, securing them to the horizontal wire with clothes pegs. This
is a good time to remove everything else that won't be needed over the winter,
which may include the capillary bed. The tunnel may seem like a good place to
keep all sorts of things, but it should be first and foremost a growing area. The
more things that are stored there, the more hiding places there are for overwinter-
ing pests and the more to eat for overwintering mice.
Put extra compost to use
During October and November, apply any leftover compost as a top dressing to
the soil beds rather than leaving it to sit over winter. Compost is best used fresh
because the fungi and bacteria in it are still working to break it down, and bags
left over winter are often infiltrated by slugs and other nasties, which can then
hitch a lift into the tunnel in spring.
Repair cover damage
Before the winter gales arrive, check the polytunnel cover for small holes and
tears, and fix them by using polythene repair tape (available from all polytunnel
manufacturers) on both sides of the film. Pay particular attention to the area
around the door frames, which is where problems often start. October is also a
good time to give the outside of the cover a quick clean. This will make a huge
difference to the light levels inside, even if you don't think it looks all that dirty.
Check your heaters before you need them
If you rely on any heating equipment in the winter, make sure that it is over-
hauled in good time. The first frosts can arrive any time towards the end of the
month and may be severe enough to damage or kill tender summer plants, such
as peppers and cucumbers, that are still being coddled along in the tunnel. If
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