Agriculture Reference
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quickly, they can be used as a marker plant for slower-germinating seeds such as
carrots; just sow a few seeds along the line of the drill, and the radishes will be
ready to pick just as the carrots are getting their first true leaves. When the bulb
has formed, pick and eat as soon as possible. Hot weather means hot radishes,
so if you prefer cooler food make sure they get some shade!
Radishes have shallow root systems and need regular watering, or they will do
one of three things: sit there looking sad, bolt, or get very, very peppery. None of
these are desirable in most salads, so make sure they don't dry out. Radishes also
tend to bolt in hot weather, so during the warmest summer months they will do
better if planted in the shade of something taller.
Flea beetles and slugs . Despite being a brassica, salad radishes grow too fast to
be affected by club root.
Rocket (arugula)
Varieties: 'Esmee', 'Mild Cultivated'
Rocket is quick and easy to grow, and hardy enough to stand through the winter
in the tunnel with a little protection, giving a year-round harvest. It is available
in different types, ranging in flavour from hot and peppery to mild and sweet.
Rocket is a very tolerant plant but prefers well-drained soil with enough organic
matter to retain moisture.
Rocket seeds are tiny, and therefore difficult to sow evenly. If you mix the seed
with a little sand it will be easier to see where you've sown them, and this will
help achieve an even spread. This is a good tip for any small seeds.
To sow rocket, mark out a shallow (0.5cm) drill. Sow small sprinkles of seed
thinly into this in clusters 5cm apart, then cover with fine seed compost and
water in gently. The seedlings will not take long to appear, and as soon as they
have their first true leaves thin them down to one per station. As they grow they
will need to be thinned, first to 10cm and then to 20cm, to give them room to
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