Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
If you're going to move the tree to a larger pot, March is the time to do it, just
before the new growth gets going. Each time the tree is potted on it should be
planted 2-5cm deeper than previously. Once the tree is the right size for your tunnel
all you need to do is stop it from becoming pot-bound. Every other year in March,
lift the plant and remove about a fifth of the old root ball. Try to take the harder,
woody roots rather than softer growth. Add additional compost to the earth and
replant. After re-potting, prune the tree back to clear out any dead wood and weak
growth, leaving just the thicker branches.
Harvesting and storage
In most years, figs form on the tree as tiny figlets that remain in place over winter
and then ripen the following year. In a good year they can ripen in the same
season, late in the summer. Pick figs as they become soft and their stalks bend
down. A small opening will appear at the bottom end of the fruit at the same
time. When the leaves fall in September remove any remaining fruit larger than
a pea, as leaving them behind could delay the next harvest. They will go mouldy
and drop off rather than developing into ripe fruit, but will still divert valuable
energy from the plant until then. Smaller fruits should be left in place, as they
will survive to become the next harvest the following year.
Figs can be dried whole on racks in an airing cupboard, turning every few days
until they are leathery, and are delicious eaten like this.
Red spider mite , vine weevil (only in container plants).
Birds , especially blackbirds, will try to harvest your figs before you. If this is a
problem, cover the trees with netting well beforehand or net off the tunnel door-
Garlic and elephant garlic
Varieties (garlic): 'Sultop', 'Vallelado'
Garlic is a key ingredient in a wide variety of recipes, and has been cultivated for
more than three thousand years. Although easy enough to grow outside, garlic
in the tunnel is ready a month or so earlier than outdoor plants, and gives bigger
bulbs that are less likely to rot or sprout prematurely. Garlic is easy to fit in here
and there, where it will also help to discourage pests attracted by the scent of a
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