Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.1
The installation wizard for Visual Studio Express.
A Quick Hello World
Creating a quick ''Hello World'' program will demonstrate the features of Visual
Studio Express. It should now be installed in the start menu so you can launch it
from there.
In Visual Studio Express, there are solutions and projects. Solutions may contain
any number of projects. Each project is a collection of code files and one project
can use the code from another. New projects can be started by opening the File
menu and selecting New Project. A dialog box will pop up like the one pictured
in Figure 4.2.
There are a number of project choices here. Windows Forms Application is a
project that will make use of the forms library. A form is a .NET term for nearly
all Windows GUI programs. Windows Console Application is for text-based
projects. Class Library is code that's written to be used by other projects, but it
cannot be executed alone.
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