Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
appendix A
This appendix suggests excellent topics that are useful when creating a game
project or improving your skills and knowledge. This section only covers topics,
but the CD has an HTML file with links to useful websites and papers online.
The Practice of Programming
The practice of programming is about the journey—an initial spark of an idea to
finished project. These topics give some guidelines for how development should
be done and what steps need to be taken to painlessly create a great finished
program. They are not game specific as the lessons apply to all software devel-
opment projects, but they're still very much worth reading.
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master (ISBN 0-201-
61622-X) by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
The Pragmatic Programmer is a relatively short book that describes how to
complete software projects. It's not about any language in particular; instead, it is
about the process of software development. Despite being very short, it is packed
with useful information and I highly recommended it if you want to improve
your craft.
Code Complete Second Edition: A Practical Handbook of Software
Construction (ISBN-13: 978-0735619678) by Steve McConnell
Code Complete is another book that encourages a pragmatic programming style,
but unlike The Pragmatic Programmer, this topic goes into much greater detail.
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