Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
int numberOfFrames ¼ GetFrameCount();
_currentFrame ¼ (_currentFrame þ 1) % numberOfFrames;
public int GetCurrentFrame()
return _currentFrame;
public void Update(double elapsedTime)
if (_currentFrame == GetFrameCount() - 1 && Looping == false)
Finished ¼ true;
_currentFrameTime -= elapsedTime;
if (_currentFrameTime < 0)
_currentFrameTime ¼ Speed;
This AnimatedSprite class works exactly the same as the Sprite class,
except for the AnimatedSprite class can be told how many frames the texture
has in X and Y dimensions. When the Update loop is called, the frame is
changed over time.
This class has quite a few members, but they are mostly used for describing
the animation and tracking its progress. The number of frames in X and Y di-
mension are described by the _framesX and _framesY member variables.
For the Figure 10.9 example, both these variables would be set to four. The
_currentFrame variable is the frame that the sprite U,Vs are currently set to.
The _currentFrameTime is the amount of time that will be spent on the
current frame before the animation advances to the next frame. Speed is a
measure of how much time is spent on each frame in seconds. Looping
determines if the animation should loop, and Finished is a flag that is set to
true once the animation has ended.
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