Game Development Reference
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These graphs look interesting, but without a game application, they may seem
academic and rather dull. Next, these functions will be used to animate sprites.
Trigonometric Functions for Special Effects
Create a new game state called SpecialEffectsState . This state will de-
monstrate how to use the sine and cosine functions that have just been covered
to create cool special effects with the text class.
class SpecialEffectState : IGameObject
Font _font;
Text _text;
Renderer _renderer = new Renderer();
double _totalTime = 0;
public SpecialEffectState(TextureManager manager)
_font = new Font(manager.Get("font"), FontParser.Parse("font.fnt"));
_text = new Text("Hello", _font);
public void Update(double elapsedTime)
public void Render()
Gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
The basic state just renders out the text ''Hello.'' It's very easy to use the sine
value to make this text pulse the opacity from 0-1 and back again. Text is used
here, but it could just as easily be a sprite or model.
public void Update(double elapsedTime)
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