Game Development Reference
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States are created and added to a state system with a name to identify them.
States can then be selected by calling ChangeState and passing in a state name.
The state system will manage the update and render of the current active state.
Sometimes a state will want to change the active state. For example, a splash
screen usually displays an image or animation and then changes state to the title
screen. For a splash screen state to change state it must have a reference to the
state system.
class SplashScreenState : IGameObject
StateSystem _system;
public SplashScreenState(StateSystem system)
_system = system;
#region IGameObject Members
public void Update(double elapsedTime)
// Wait so many seconds then call _system.ChangeState("title_menu")
System.Console.WriteLine("Updating Splash");
public void Render()
System.Console.WriteLine("Rendering Splash");
Then when creating the state, the StateSystem can be passed into the
_system.AddState("splash", new SplashScreenState(_system));
class StateSystem
Dictionary<string, IGameObject> _stateStore = new Dictionary<string,
IGameObject _currentState = null;
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