Java Reference
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2. Name four GUI components that can be used for input only.
3. Name two GUI components that can be used for both input and output.
4. Name a GUI component that can be used for output only.
5. Why do you need check boxes in a GUI program?
6. Fill in the blanks in each of the following:
a. The ______ method of the class Graphics draws a rectangle.
b. RGB is short for ____, ____, and ______.
c. The method _______ is invoked when an item is selected from a combo
box and a(n) _______ is registered to handle an event.
d. The _______ method of the class Graphics can be used to draw a
e. Font sizes are specified in units called _____.
f. Both JTextField and JTextArea inherit directly from the class
g. The method Random returns a value between ______ and ________.
h. The method _________ gets the string in the JTextArea , and the
method _______ changes the string displayed in a JTextArea .
i. The BorderLayout manager divides the container into five regions:
______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.
j. The ______ class is used to create a slider for ____________.
k. You cannot use System.out.println inside a(n) ______ method.
7. Write the necessary statements to create the following:
a. A JList with the list items orange , apple , banana , grape , and
b. A check box with the label draft
c. A group of three radio buttons with the labels home , visitor , and
d. A menu bar
e. A Courier bold 32-point font
f. A new color that is not already defined in the class Color
8. Correct any syntax errors in the following program:
//Grand Welcome Problem Applet
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
public class GrandWelcomeProblem extends JApplet
public int()
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