Java Reference
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12 . Applets do not use constructors.
13 . Java provides the class JTextArea either to collect multiple lines of input
from the user or to display multiple lines of output.
14 . Java provides the class es JCheckBox and JRadioButton to allow a user
to select a value from a set of given values.
15 . A check box is also called a toggle button.
16 . To force the user to select only one radio button at a time, you create a
button group and add radio buttons to the group.
17 . A combo box, also known as a drop-down list, is used to select an item
from a list of possibilities.
18 . A JList displays a number of items from which the user can select one or
more items.
19 . The FlowLayout manager places GUI components from left to right until
no more items can be placed in a line. Then the next item is placed in the
following line.
20 . In the case of BorderLayout manager, the component placed at the center
expands to occupy any unused regions.
21 . Menus allow you to provide various functions without cluttering the GUI
with components.
22 . Menus can be attached to objects such as JFrame and JApplet .
23 . Key events are handled by the interface KeyListener ; mouse events are
handled by the interface s MouseListener and MouseMotionListener .
1. Mark the following statements as true or false.
a. An applet's width and height are specified in the HTML file.
b. In Java, JApplet is a class.
c. To display an applet, you do not need to invoke a method, such as
setVisible() .
d. You must include an exit button in all Java applets.
e. When an applet is loaded, the method start is invoked before the
method init .
f. Check boxes are used to display the output of a program.
g. A radio button always has a label.
h. You use JList to create a combo box.
JTextField can be used to output multiple lines of text.
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