Java Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 12-26 Sample run of the Java Kiosk program
1 . The term applet means a little application.
2 . An applet is a Java program that is embedded within a Web page and
executed by a Web browser.
3 . You create an applet by extending the class JApplet , which is contained
in the package javax.swing .
4 . Unlike a Java application program, a Java applet does not have the main
5 . When a browser runs an applet, the methods init , start , and paint are
guaranteed to be invoked in sequence.
6 . All statements to be executed only once are kept in the init method of an
7 . An applet does not have a title.
8 . The class es Font and Color are contained in the package java.awt .
9 . Java uses the color scheme known as RGB, where R stands for red, G for
green, and B for blue.
10 . You create instances of the class Color by mixing red, green, and blue
hues in various proportions.
11 . An applet class is derived from the class JApplet , whereas a GUI
application class is created by extending the class JFrame .
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