Java Reference
In-Depth Information
14 . The method getMessage returns the string containing the detailed message
stored in the exception object.
15 . The method toString (in class Exception ) returns the detailed message
stored in the exception object as well as the name of the exception class.
16 . The class Exception and its subclasses are designed to catch exceptions
that should be caught and processed during program execution, and thus
make a program more robust.
17 . The class Exception is the superclass of the classes designed to handle
18 . The class Exception is contained in the package java.lang .
19 . The classes to deal with I/O exceptions, such as the file not found exception,
are contained in the package .
20 . The class InputMismatchException is contained in the package java.util .
21 . The classes to deal with number format exceptions and arithmetic excep-
tions, such as division by zero, are contained in the package java.lang .
22 . Generally, exception classes are placed in the package that contains the
methods that throw these exceptions.
23 . Java's predefined exceptions are divided into two categories—checked
exceptions and unchecked exceptions.
24 . Any exception that can be recognized by the compiler is called a checked
25 . Unchecked exceptions are exceptions that are not recognized by the compiler.
26 . Typically, a catch block does one of the following:
￿ Completely handles the exception.
￿ Partially processes the exception. In this case, the catch block either
rethrows the same exception or throws another exception for the
calling environment to handle the exception.
￿ Rethrows the same exception for the calling environment to handle the
27 . The general syntax to rethrow an exception caught by a catch block is:
throw exceptionReference;
28 . The general syntax to throw your own exception object is:
throw new ExceptionClassName(messageString);
29 . The method printStackTrace is used to determine the order in which
the methods were called and where the exception was handled.
30 . The exception class that you define extends the class Exception or one
of its subclasses.
31 . Action events are handled by appropriately implementing the interface
ActionListener .
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