Java Reference
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public static void methodA() throws Exception
public static void methodB() throws Exception
public static void methodC() throws Exception
throw new Exception("Exception generated in method C");
Sample Run:
java.lang.Exception: Exception generated in method C caught in main
java.lang.Exception: Exception generated in method C
at PrintStackTraceExample1.methodC(
at PrintStackTraceExample1.methodB(
at PrintStackTraceExample1.methodA(
at PrintStackTraceExample1.main(
The preceding program contains the methods methodA , methodB , methodC ,and main .The
method methodC creates and throws an object of the class Exception .Themethod
methodB calls methodC , methodA calls methodB , and the method main calls methodA .
Because the methods methodA and methodB do not handle the exception thrown by
methodC , they contain the throws Exception clause in their heading. The method main
handles the exception thrown by methodC , which was propagated first by methodB and then
by methodA .The catch block in the method main first outputs the message contained in the
exception object and the string " caught in main" , then it calls the method
printStackTrace to trace the method calls (see the last four lines of the output).
The program in Example 11-10 is similar to the program in Example 11-9. The main
difference is that the exception thrown by methodC is caught and handled in methodA .
Note that the heading of methodA does not contain any throws clause.
public class PrintStackTraceExample2
public static void main(String[] args)
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