Java Reference
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Therefore, you should be careful about the order in which you list catch blocks
following a try block (putting more specific exceptions before less specific exceptions).
For example, consider the following sequence of try / catch blocks:
//Line 1
catch (Exception eRef)
//Line 2
catch (ArithmeticException aeRef)
//Line 3
Suppose that an exception is thrown in the try block. Because the catch block in Line 2
can catch exceptions of all types, the catch block in Line 3 cannot be reached. This
sequence of try / catch blocks would, in fact, result in a compile-time error. In general, if
a catch block of a superclass appears before a catch block of a subclass, a compilation error
will occur. Therefore, in a sequence of catch blocks following a try block, a catch block
declaring an exception of a subclass type should be placed before catch blocks declaring
exceptions of a superclass type. Often it is useful to make sure that all exceptions that might
be thrown by a try block are caught. In this case, you should make the catch block that
declares an exception of the class Exception type the last catch block.
Next, we give some examples to illustrate how try / catch blocks might appear in a
As shown in Example 11-1, a common error that might occur while inputting numeric data
is typing a nonnumeric character, such as a letter. If the input is invalid, the methods
nextInt and nextDouble throw an InputMismatchException . Similarly, another error
that might occur when performing numeric calculations is division by zero with integer
values. In this case, the program throws an exception of the class ArithmeticException .
The following program shows how to handle these exceptions.
import java.util.*;
public class ExceptionExample3
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args)
//Line 1
int dividend, divisor, quotient;
//Line 2
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