Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The section titled Java Exception Hierarchy describes the hierarchy of Java's various
built-in exception classes. The section titled Java's Exception Classes describes some
of the built-in exception classes and their methods. Both sections appear later in this
try / catch / finally Block
Statements that might generate an exception are placed in a try block. The try block
might also contain statements that should not be executed if an exception occurs. The
try block is followed by zero or more catch blocks. A catch block specifies the type of
exception it can catch and contains an exception handler. The last catch block may or
may not be followed by a finally block. Any code contained in a finally block
always executes, regardless of whether an exception occurs, except when the program
exits early from a try block by calling the method System.exit .Ifa try block has no
catch block, then it must have the finally block.
As noted previously, when an exception occurs, Java creates an object of a specific
exception class. For example, if a division by zero exception occurs, then Java creates
an object of the ArithmeticException class .
The general syntax of the try / catch / finally block is:
catch (ExceptionClassName1 objRef1)
//exception handler code
catch (ExceptionClassName2 objRef2)
//exception handler code
catch (ExceptionClassNameN objRefN)
//exception handler code
(A try block contains code for normal circumstances, while a catch block contains code
to handle an exception(s).)
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