Java Reference
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Sample Run 1:
Line 2: Enter the dividend: 12
Line 5: Enter the divisor: 5
Line 10: Quotient = 2
Sample Run 2:
Line 2: Enter the dividend: 24
Line 5: Enter the divisor: 0
Line 11: Cannot divide by zero.
In Sample Run 1, the value of divisor is nonzero, so no exception occurred. The
program calculated and printed the quotient and terminated normally.
In Sample Run 2, the value entered for divisor is 0 . In Line 8, the program checks
whether divisor is 0 . Because divisor is zero, the expression in the if statement fails
and the else part executes, which outputs the third line of the sample run.
Java's Mechanism of Exception Handling
Example 11-1 shows what happens when a division by zero or an input mismatch
exception occurs in a program and is not processed. Example 11-2 shows a way to
handle a division by zero exception. However, suppose that division by zero occurs in
more than one place within the same block. In this case, using if statements may not be
the most effective way to handle the exception.
Next, we describe how to handle exceptions using Java's exception handling mechanism.
However, first let's note the following.
When an exception occurs, an object of a particular exception class is created.
For example, in Sample Run 2 of Example 11-1, an object of the class
ArithmeticException is created. Java provides several exception classes to effec-
tively handle certain common exceptions, such as division by zero, invalid input, and
file not found. For example, division by zero is an arithmetic error and is handled
by the class ArithmeticException . Therefore, when a division by zero exception
occurs, the program creates an object of the class ArithmeticException .
Similarly, when a Scanner object is used to input data into a program, any invalid
input errors are handled using the class InputMismatchException . Note that the
class Exception (directly or indirectly) is the superclass of all the exception classes
in Java.
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