Java Reference
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The definition of the class Student has the following form: (You can complete the
definition of this class as an exercise.)
public class Student extends Person
private int sId; //variable to store the
//student ID
private int numberOfCourses; //variable to store the number
//of courses
private boolean isTuitionPaid; //variable to indicate if
//the tuition is paid
private Course [] coursesEnrolled; //array to store
//the courses
private char [] courseGrades; //array to store the
//course grades
//Place the definitions of the instance methods
//as discussed here.
Now that we have designed the class es Course and Student , we will use these
classes to complete the program.
Because the toString method of the class Student does the necessary computa-
tions to print the final grade report, the main program has very little work to do. In
fact, all the main program must do is create the objects to hold the students' data, load
the data into these objects, and then print the grade reports. Because the input is in a
file and the output will be sent to a file, we create appropriate objects to access the
input and output files. Essentially, the main algorithm for the program is:
1. Declare the variables.
2. Open the input file.
3. Open the output file.
4. Get the number of students registered and the tuition rate.
5. Load the students' data.
6. Print the grade reports.
Variables This program first reads the number of students from the input file and then creates
the array, studentList , to hold the students' data. The size of studentList is
equal to the number of students.
Student[] studentList;
int noOfStudents;
double tuitionRate;
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