Java Reference
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The method setCourseInfo sets the values of the instance variables according to
the values of the parameters. Its definition is:
public void setCourseInfo(String cName, String cNo,
int credits)
courseName = cName;
courseNo = cNo;
courseCredits = credits;
The definitions of the methods setCourseName , setCourseNumber ,and
setCourseCredits are similar to the method setCourseInfo . Their definitions are:
public void setCourseName(String cName)
courseName = cName;
public void setCourseNumber(String cNo)
courseNo = cNo;
public void setCourseCredits( int credits)
courseCredits = credits;
The method toString returns the course information as a string. Its definition is:
public String toString()
return String.format("%-12s%-15s%4s", courseNo,
courseName, courseCredits);
} //end toString
The definitions of the remaining methods and constructors are as follows:
public Course(String cName, String cNo, int credits)
courseName = cName;
courseNo = cNo;
courseCredits = credits;
public Course()
courseName = "";
courseNo = "";
courseCredits = 0;
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