Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Instance Variables:
private Person name;
private Date bDay;
private int personID;
Constructors and Instance Methods:
public void setPersonalInfo(String first, String last, int month,
int day, int year, int ID)
//Method to set the personal information
//Instance variables are set according to the parameters
//Postcondition: firstName = first; lastName = last;
dMonth = month; dDay = day; dYear = year;
personID = ID;
public String toString()
//Method to return the string containing personal information
public PersonalInfo(String first, String last, int month,
int day, int year, int ID)
//Constructor with parameters
//Instance variables are set according to the parameters
//Postcondition: firstName = first; lastName = last;
dMonth = month; dDay = day; dYear = year;
personID = ID;
public PersonalInfo()
//Default constructor
//Instance variables are set to the default values
//Postcondition: firstName = ""; lastName = "";
// dMonth = 1; dDay = 1; dYear = 1900;
// personID = 0;
Figure 10-17 shows the UML class diagram of the class PersonalInfo .
-name: Person
-bDay: Date
-personID: int
+PersonalInfo(String, String, int ,
int , int , int )
+setPersonalInfo(String, String, int ,
int , int , int ): void
+toString(): String
FIGURE 10-17 UML class diagram of the class PersonalInfo
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