Java Reference
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Line 10: Box via boxRef
Length = 13.0, Width = 7.0, Height = 4.0, Surface Area = 342.0, Volume = 364.0
Line 12: rectRef is an instance of BoxShape
Line 18: rectangle is not an instance of BoxShape
The preceding program works as follows: The statement in Line 1 declares rectangle
and rectRef to be reference variables of the RectangleShape type. Similarly, the
in Line 2 declares box and boxRef to be reference variables of
BoxShape type.
The statement in Line 3 instantiates the object rectangle and initializes the instance
variables length and width to 12.0 and 4.0 , respectively. The statement in Line 4
outputs the length, width, perimeter, and area of rectangle .
The statement in Line 5 instantiates the object box and initializes the instance variables
length , width , and height to 13.0 , 7.0 , and 4.0 , respectively. The statement in Line
6 outputs the length, width, height, surface area, and volume of box .
The statement in Line 7 copies the value of box into rectRef . After this statement
executes, rectRef points to the object box . Notice that rectRef is a reference variable
of the RectangleShape (the superclass) type and box is a reference variable of the
BoxShape (the subclass of RectangleShape ) type.
The statement in Line 8 outputs the length, width, height, surface area, and volume of
box via the reference variable rectRef . Notice that rectRef is a reference variable of
the RectangleShape type. However, when the statement in Line 8 executes to output
rectRef , the method toString of the class BoxShape executes, not the method
toString of the class RectangleShape .
Because the reference variable rectRef points to an object of BoxShape , the statement
in Line 9 uses the cast operator and copies the value of rectRef into boxRef . (If the
reference variable rectRef did not point to an object of type BoxShape , then
the statement in Line 9 would result in an error.) The statement in Line 10 outputs the
length, width, height, surface area, and volume of the object to which boxRef points.
The statements in Lines 11 through 14 determine whether rectRef is an instance of
BoxShape , that is, if rectRef points to an object of the BoxShape type. Similarly, the
statements in Lines 15 through 18 determine whether the reference variable rectangle
is an instance of BoxShape .
Abstract Methods and Classes
An abstract method is a method that has only the heading with no body. The heading
of an abstract method contains the reserved word abstract and ends with a semicolon.
The following are examples of abstract methods:
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