Java Reference
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After the statement in Line 12 executes, shapeRef points to the object box . The
statement in Line 13 executes the method toString . Because shapeRef points to an
object of the class BoxFigure , the method toString of the class BoxFigure
executes. When the method toString of the class BoxFigure executes, it also executes
the method area . In this case, the method area of the class BoxFigure executes, which
outputs the surface area of the box.
If a method of a class is declared final, it cannot be overridden with a new definition in
a derived class. You declare a method of a class final by using the keyword final . For
example, the following method is final:
public final void doSomeThing()
Similarly, you can also declare a class final using the keyword final . If a class is
declared final, then no other class can be derived from this class ; that is, it cannot be
the superclass of any other classes.
Java does not use late binding for methods that are marked private , final ,or static .
As illustrated above, a reference variable of a superclass type can point to an object of its
subclass. However, you cannot automatically consider a superclass object to be an object
of a subclass. In other words, you cannot automatically make a reference variable of a
subclass type point to an object of its superclass.
Suppose that supRef is a reference variable of a superclass type. Moreover, suppose that
supRef points to an object of its subclass. You can use an appropriate cast operator on
supRef and make a reference variable of the subclass point to the object. On the other
hand, if supRef does not point to a subclass object and you use a cast operator on supRef
to make a reference variable of the subclass point to the object, then Java will throw a
ClassCastException —indicating that the class cast is not allowed.
Suppose name , nameRef , employee , and employeeRef are as declared in the begining of
this section, that is:
Person name, nameRef;
//Line 1
PartTimeEmployee employee, employeeRef;
//Line 2
name = new Person("John", "Blair");
//Line 3
employee = new PartTimeEmployee("Susan", "Johnson",
12.50, 45);
//Line 4
nameRef = employee;
//Line 5
Now consider the following statement:
employeeRef = (PartTimeEmployee) name;
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