Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The definition of the subclass is typically placed in a separate file. Recall that the name
of the file must be the same as the name of the class, and the file extension must be java .
Protected Members of a Class
The private membersofaclassare private to the class and cannot be directly
accessed outside the class. Only methods of that class can access the private members
directly. As discussed previously, the subclass cannot access the private members of
the superclass directly. However, sometimes it may be necessary for a subclass to access
a private member of a superclass. If you make a private member public ,then
anyone can access that member. Recall that the members of a class are classified into
three categories: public , private ,and protected . So, if a member of a superclass
needs to be (directly) accessed in a subclass and yet still prevent its direct access outside
the class, such as in a user program, you must declare that member using the modifier
protected . Thus, the accessibility of a protected member of a class falls between public
and private . A subclass can directly access the protected member of a superclass.
To summarize, if a member of a superclass needs to be accessed directly (only) by a
subclass, that member is declared using the modifier protected .
Example 10-4 illustrates how the methods of a subclass can directly access a protected
member of the superclass.
Consider the following definitions of the class es BClass and DClass :
public class BClass
protected char bCh;
private double bX;
//Default constructor
public BClass()
bCh = '*';
bX = 0.0;
//Constructor with parameters
public BClass( char ch, double u)
bCh = ch;
bX = u;
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