Java Reference
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public PartTimeEmployee()
//Default constructor
//Set the first name, last name, payRate, and
//hoursWorked to the default values.
//The first name and last name are initialized to an empty
//string by the default constructor of the superclass.
//Postcondition: firstName = ""; lastName = "";
// payRate = 0; hoursWorked = 0;
Figure 10-5 shows the UML class diagram of the class PartTimeEmployee and the
inheritance hierarchy.
-payRate: double
-hoursWorked: double
+PartTimeEmployee(String, String,
double , double )
+toString(): String
+setNameRateHours(String, String,
double , double ): void
+getPayRate(): double
+getHoursWorked(): double
+calculatePay(): double
FIGURE 10-5 UML class diagram of the class PartTimeEmployee and the inheritance hierarchy
The definitions of the member methods of the class PartTimeEmployee are as follows:
public String toString()
return ( super .toString() + "\'s wages are: $" + calculatePay());
public double getPayRate()
return payRate;
public double getHoursWorked()
return hoursWorked;
public double calculatePay()
return (payRate * hoursWorked);
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