Java Reference
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The statement in Line 7 creates the Box object myBox1 and initializes its instance variables
to 0 . The statement in Line 8 creates the Box object myBox2 and initializes its instance
variables length , width , and height to 10.0 , 7.0 , and 3.0 , respectively.
The statements in Lines 9 and 10 output the length, width, and area of myRectangle1 .
Because the instance variables of myRectangle1 are initialized to 0 by the default con-
structor, the area of the rectangle is 0.0 square units, as shown in the output of Line 10.
The statements in Lines 11 and 12 output the length, width, and area of myRectangle2 .
Because the instance variables length and width of myRectangle2 are initialized to 8.0
and 6.0 , respectively, by the constructor with parameters, this rectangle's area is 48.0
square units. See the output of Line 12.
The statements in Lines 13, 14, and 15 output the length, width, height, surface area, and
volume of myBox1 . Because the instance variables of myBox1 are initialized to 0.0 by the
default constructor, this box's surface area is 0.0 square units and the volume is 0.0 cubic
units. See the output of Lines 14 and 15.
The statements in Lines 16, 17, and 18 output the length, width, height, surface area, and
volume of myBox2 . Because the instance variables length , width , and height of
myBox2 are initialized to 10.0 , 7.0 , and 3.0 , respectively, by the constructor with
parameters, this box's surface area is 242.0 square units and the volume is 210.0 cubic
units. See the output of Lines 17 and 18.
The output of this program demonstrates that the redefinition of the methods toString
and area in the class Box applies only to the objects of type Box .
( Shadowing Variables) Suppose that the class SubClass is derived from the class
SuperClass and SuperClass has a variable named temp . You can declare a variable
named temp in the class SubClass . In this case, the variable temp of SubClass is
called a shadowing variable. The concept of a shadowing variable is similar to the concept of
overriding a method, but it causes confusion. Now the SubClass is derived from
SuperClass , so it inherits the variable temp of SuperClass .Becauseavariablenamed
temp is already available in SubClass , there is seldom if ever any reason to override it.
Furthermore, it is poor programming practice to override a variable in the SubClass .
Anyone reading code with a shadowed variable will have two different declarations of a
variable seeming to apply to the shadowed variable of the SubClass . This causes confusion
and should be avoided. In general, you should avoid shadowing variables.
Next, we give another example illustrating how to create a subclass.
Suppose that you want to define a class to group the attributes of an employee. There are full-
time employees and part-time employees. Part-time employees are paid based on the
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