Java Reference
In-Depth Information
-height: double
+Box( double , double , double )
+setDimension( double , double , double ): void
+getHeight(): double
+area(): double
+volume(): double
+toString(): String
FIGURE 10-3 UML class diagram of the class Box and the inheritance hierarchy
From the definition of the class Box , it is clear that the class Box is derived from the
class Rectangle . Therefore, all public members of Rectangle are public members
of Box . The class Box overrides the methods toString and area , and overloads the
method setDimension .
In general, when writing the definitions of the methods of a subclass to specify a call to a
public method of a superclass, you do the following:
If the subclass overrides a public method of the superclass, then you
must specify a call to that public method of the superclass by using the
reserved word super , followed by the dot operator, followed by the
method name with an appropriate parameter list. In this case, the general
syntax to call a method of the superclass is:
super .methodName(parameters);
￿ If the subclass does not override a public method of the superclass, you
can specify a call to that public method by using the name of the
method and an appropriate parameter list.
Next, let's write the definition of the method toString of the class Box .
The class Box has three instance variables: length , width , and height . The method
toString of the class Box prints the values of these three instance variables. To write
the definition of the method toString of the class Box , remember the following:
￿ The instance variables length and width are private members of the
class Rectangle and so cannot be directly accessed in the class Box .
Therefore, when writing the definition of the method toString of the
class Box , you cannot directly reference length and width .
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