Java Reference
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if (numList.length != 0)
max = numList[0];
for ( int index = 1; index < numList.length; index++)
if (max < numList [index])
max = numList [index];
return max;
return 0.0;
Sample Run:
Line 2: The larger of 5.6 and 10.8 is 10.8
Line 3: The largest of 23, 78, and 56 is 78.0
Line 4: The largest of 93, 28, 83, and 66 is 93.0
Line 5: The largest of 22.5, 12.34, 56.34, 78,
98.45, 25, 78, 23 and 36 is 98.45
Line 6: The largest number in numList is 120.89
Line 7: A call to the method largest with an empty
parameter list returns the value 0.0
In the preceding program, in Line 2, the method largest is called with two para-
meters; in Line 3 it is called with three parameters; in Line 4 it is called with four
parameters; and in Line 5 it is called with nine parameters. Note that in Line 6, the
method largest is called using an array of numbers, but in Line 7 it is called with no
Just as you can create a method using the primitive data type as a variable length formal
parameter, you can also create a method with objects as a variable length formal para-
meter (list). Examples 9-11 and 9-12 show you how to do this. First, we specify some
rules to follow when using a variable length formal parameter list.
1. A method can have both a variable length formal parameter and other
formal parameters. For example, consider the following method heading:
public static void myMethod(String name, double num,
int ... intList)
The formal parameter name is of type String , the formal parameter num
is of type double , and the formal parameter intList is of variable
length. The actual parameter corresponding to intList can be an int
array or any number of int variables and/or int values.
2. A method can have, at most, one variable length formal parameter.
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