Java Reference
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This program works as follows. The statement in Line 7 creates the array dice of 100
elements and each element is a reference to an object of the class RollDie . The
statement in Line 8 creates the array rollCount to store the number of times each
number is rolled. The for loop in Line 10 instantiates and initializes each element of the
array dice . The for loop in 16 retrieves the number rolled by each die and also counts
the number of times each number is rolled. This loop also outputs the numbers rolled
with 34 numbers per line. The for loop in Line 26 outputs the number of times each
number is rolled and also determines the maximum roll count. The for loop in Line 33
outputs the numbers that are rolled the maximum number of times.
Arrays and Variable Length Parameter
List (Optional)
In Chapter 7, we wrote the method larger to determine the larger of two numbers.
Similarly, we can write methods to determine the largest of three numbers, four numbers,
five numbers, and so on. Moreover, using the mechanism of method overloading, each of
these methods can be called largest . For example, we can write several such methods
with the following headings:
public static double largest( double x, double y)
public static double largest( double x, double y, double z)
public static double largest( double x, double y, double z,
double u)
public static double largest( double x, double y, double z,
double u, double w)
However, this requires us to write the definitions of each of these methods. Java simplifies
this by providing a variable length formal parameter (list). The syntax to declare a variable
length formal parameter (list) is:
dataType ... identifier
where dataType is the name of a type, such as the primitive data type or a Java class or a
user-defined data type. Note the ellipsis in this syntax; it is part of the syntax. For
example, consider the following formal parameter declaration:
double ... numList
This statement declares numList to be a variable length formal parameter. In fact,
numList is an array wherein each element is of type double , and the number of elements
in list depends on the number of arguments passed to numList .
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